You're Never Too Old To Start a Business

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  • You're Never Too Old To Start a Business

In the second annual Yahoo! survey measuring small business aspirations of the general population, a growing number of baby boomers said they would never be too old to launch a business. In addition, two thirds of American adults (66%) said that they have considered starting their own businesses (versus 72% last year), according to the new survey commissioned by Yahoo! Small Business and conducted by Harris Interactive®.

The Internet has certainly changed the way we think about retirement hasn’t it?

    Other key findings from the survey include:

  • 55% of respondents chose “own my own business” as the kind of work they would prefer to do late in life. Other choices included: 42% volunteer work/public service; 29% consulting; 20% teaching, and less than 15% for running for political office, retail/customer service, corporate officer, and sales.
  • 37% of those who said they had thought about launching their own businesses but haven’t yet planned to do so within one to five years
  • 75% of U.S. adults who go online said that the Internet has made it easier to start a small business.
  • 92% of U.S. adults who go online said it was important for a new small business to have an Internet presence.


Full release and survey details can be found here

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