Weekend Favs September Thirteen

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  • Weekend Favs September Thirteen

buildingI’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I read during the week that I found interesting. Generally speaking it won’t involve much analysis and may range widely in topic. (Flickr image included here is also fav image of the week)


Good stuff I ran across this week

  • 100 Ways to Improve Your Blog – this article has some very common sense tips and some things you probably never thought of doing – great read.
  • Doodle – have you ever tried to get 3-4 people together for something? You exchange emails hoping to find an open date, right. With Doodle you can easily set-up a quick calendar and allow everyone to pick times that work and then get something scheduled. It has other uses, but I really like this one.
  • Goojet – this service allows you to create your own mobile web start-up page a bit like iGoogle or Pageflakes, but on your phone. You simply plug-in all your social services and start posting through this interface. PC, Mac and iPhone app available.

Image credit: surtr

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Doodle, goojet, iGoogle, iPhone, Smartphone

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