Weekend Favs October Seventeen

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  • Weekend Favs October Seventeen

Here’s my weekly post of things I discovered during the week that made my weekend Favs list, including the image. Enjoy

Fall colors
Image credit: Brandon (Vic fan)

Good stuff I ran across this week:

Screenr – Instant screencasts for twitter. Want to demo something or quickly show a twitter follower how to fix something on there computer, just create a quick movie of your screen and upload to twitter through screenr app – nice customer service tool I think.

Twitter Lists Tutorial – twitter is adding a feature that allows you to group your followers into lists. It’s slowly rolling out now, but membership management app maker Wild Apricot did a nice 101 on twitter lists.

70 Free Portable Apps – portable apps are programs you can put on a disc or flash drive and take with you. So, if you are working on someone’s computer you can still have your version of Firefox and all it’s settings and bookmarks. (and leave no private data)

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portable apps, screenr, Wild apricot

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