I’ve added a weekend post routine that I hope you enjoy. Each weekend I write a post that features 3-4 things I read during the week that I found interesting. Generally speaking it won’t involve much analysis and may range widely in topic. (Flickr image included here is also fav image of the week)
Good stuff I ran across this week
- iPrint (iTunes link) – this free iPhone application allows you to wirelessly print photos, for example, from your iPhone directly to most HP photo print all-in-one printers. I have the HP Photosmart 7280 C and it worked quite well (Obviously you need to have the printer set-up for wireless printing and be able to connect to it.)
- Shedworking – this is a UK website dedicated to people who work, as in office, in shedlike structures. I am so going get this tree office cube set-up someday. Side note: this is an excellent use of a blog by Taylor Garden Building as a way to extend the use of shed structures they build.
- Trazzler Buzz – this special section of this travel site tracks chatter on twitter about popular travel destinations so you can catch up on the buzz about places to stay, avoid, eat and hang out that might not make it in this year’s travel guide.
Image credit: Goldmund100