The Modern Guide to Public Relations in 2021

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Marketing Podcast with Amy Rosenberg

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Amy Rosenberg. Amy learned PR in the trenches — working her way up from intern to management at two marketing agencies before starting her own PR firm, Veracity. As the firm’s president, she oversees the blending of digital strategies with classic PR tactics to favorably position clients both online and in traditional media. Amy created her podcast, PR Talk, sponsored by the Public Relations Society of America (Oregon), in 2017 and has hosted more than 100 episodes so that PR people can better learn the craft.

Key Takeaway:

Public Relations has changed over the years. Blasting things out doesn’t work anymore and the industry needs quick changes to keep up. With newsrooms dwindling worldwide, it’s now more important than ever for PR professionals to learn how to gain press coverage through performing traditional media functions.

Oftentimes, marketing and PR are lumped into one category. In this episode, Amy Rosenberg talks about the state of PR in 2021 from her point of view. Amy demystifies the differences between marketing and PR and how the two can work together to produce optimal results.

Questions I Ask Amy Rosenberg:

  • [0:40] What’s the current state of PR from your perspective?
  • [3:42] What particular skill set or particular point of view would a PR person bring to the table?
  • [4:02] If I were trying to hire for my team, how would I distinguish between a marketing person and a PR person?
  • [5:20] How has the art of trying to get placement or publicity changed?
  • [7:20] What’s the message you want the target audience of your book to hear?
  • [9:20] Do you have some tools or special ways that you like to find what might be some of the niches like blogs, podcasts, or publications that really are frankly going to be maybe more useful for somebody than the New York Times today?
  • [12:12] How do you tie into the news or to a trend, or how do you at least have that mindset of mining for opportunities?
  • [14:06] How do you walk the line of promoting your community involvement, but also maybe feeling a little self-serving in the process?
  • [16:24] What do you tell people who are trying to get started in PR or a business owner trying to learn about it, how they might learn how to do PR for their career or organization effectively?

More About Amy Rosenberg:

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