The #1 Secret of the Internet Marketing Gurus

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  • The #1 Secret of the Internet Marketing Gurus

No matter what they tell you the #1 way that marketers make money
online is through joint ventures and strategic partnerships. Now, here’s
the good news. It’s the #1 way that marketers offline can make more
money too.

No matter how savvy Internet marketers are at SEO and other traffic
building tips, it’s the endorsed letter, testimonial, and affiliate sales that
really moves product. The same holds true for the accountant who wants
to do more business in his local market.

Online rising star John Reese recently did a reported north of 1 million
dollars in sales for his “Traffic Secrets” program. I own the program and
it’s okay (Search Engine News and SEO Book are both
really good and lot cheaper), but the real lesson?

Or I should say the real secret, is what he did to get every other online
marketing expert to drop everything and systematically jump through
hoops to sell his product.

In fact, so many people were promoting his product during the launch, that
it became fashionable to tell people that you weren’t promoting it.

So here’s the secret behind Traffic Secrets. Network with people in your
market, give and give before you ever ask in return, be honest and open
and who you are…and, find lots of joint venture partners.

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