I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to RSS technology. I just get really excited about all the things you can do to automate your learning and marketing and gain access to filtered content any place you want it.
I don’t think small business folks can here this enough – don’t get too concerned about what it is or how it works – it’s just plumbing – get excited about what you can do with it.
Even if you have no clue what RSS is, there’s a good chance you’ve consumed an RSS feed one way or another by way of blog content. Every blog comes equipped with the programming to write to RSS feeds. This can be in the form of a main blog feed, category specific feed or even a comment feed.
But RSS technology is everywhere now and is the secret to allowing your to filter through the flood of information you need to be tracking just to stay competitive. And, there’s more.
In the course of a day I use RSS to check out what’s being said about Duct Tape Marketing, post content that I bookmark to web pages, update event calendars, publish blog snippets to three other websites, monitor several industries, keep tabs on projects, send personalized data to customers, update product pages, track the weather where my kids live, discover new music, update my extended family on happenings and photos, find vegetarian recipes, and keep track of the MLB. That’s just on slow days. Once the routines are put in place much of the blur of info processing and publishing is done automatically.
- Here are two resources for your RSS learning pleasure:
- 12 Great Ways to Use Your Business Blog’s RSS Feed
- What’s the RSS Feed for My Blog? | RSS.com Podcasting