In 2013 we added a new weekly feature to Duct Tape Marketing – guest posts. Each Thursday we run a marketing small business related post here from content contributors around this globe. Writing and running guest posts is a form of networking that’s essential is this sharing and linking world we find ourselves marketing in.
When you run guest posts you encourage linking and promotion from your guests and when you write and submit guest posts you acquire links and find new audience for your content.
Using a combination of social data, links and traffic analytics I present our five most popular guest content from 2013.
1. Why Every Small Business Needs Great Content – It’s no longer enough for a small business to build a website, Facebook page or twitter profile and hope that people will flock to it, bringing new business. – Natalie Chan Outbrain.
2. X-rated – Surprising Coaching Lessons from the X-Men – How many times have you heard the question “If you could have any single superpower – what would it be?” It’s a tricky decision, but personally I’d go for telepathy. . . just imagine how lucrative that could be in business! – from James T Noble
3. Mobile Copywriting Tips and Four Apps to Assist – With 79 percent of Americans working remotely at least part of the time, it seems the days of copywriters chained to cubicles are far behind us. However, leaving the desk behind can take some getting used to. Read on to discover tips for copywriting in a mobile work environment, and 4 helpful apps to assist you in doing so. – from Teddy Hunt
4. The #1 Reason You Feel Like a Failure and What To Do About It Today – Naturally, every business owner wants their business to grow. When you’re trying to change anything about your business, or your life for that matter—whether you want to gain more customers, increase profits, improve your health, or whatever result you’re looking for—what you’re really trying to do is create a new reality for yourself. – from Noah St. John
5. 8 Tips for Writing White Papers (Hint: Don’t Call It a White Paper) – Ever seen a “white paper” on the web… and figured those are only for the big guys. Think again. A white paper is a 6- to 8-page marketing document that helps a prospective customer understand an issue or solve a problem. from Gordon Graham
Think you would like to write a guest post on Duct Tape Marketing? Reach out here and find out about our requirements and editorial calendar for 2014.