As a rule, non-profit agencies can make great marketing partners.
Now, before I get too far into this, let me state, for the record that what I really talking about is lending help to one of the many worthy charitable organizations in the world that provide community and health services by forming a partner relationship that includes showing them how to better communicate their story.
To take full advantage of partnering with a non-profit group you should approach it as a formal relationship. While many consider writing a check to the organization to be such a relationship, I’m talking about something much deeper. I believe both parties can be big winners if find an organization whose mission motivate you and then you propose ways that you can contribute cash, products and services, volunteers, event management, promotions with incentives for the organization, marketing muscle to tell their story and maybe even creating online tools such as blog.
My experience is that many non-profits are hungry for this deeper form of relationship and would be more than happy to communicate your roll in creating this unique relationship to their staff, board, committees, volunteers, donors and constituents as well.
You can really kick this type of referral into high gear if you can create a promotion that generates dollars and exposure for your group when people participate.
I will warn you though that you must believe in the cause you partner with and pursue this path because of a desire to help. That’s the only way everyone will win. But, I believe, and many non-profits know for a fact, that your company will be most prepared to provide the greatest level of help when everyone wins.
Any non-profit agency readers out there care to comment on how you would like to see organizations partner better with you?