Look, if you’re visiting here for the first time, you might not notice that I’ve completely overhauled the site. Not just the blog, the entire Duct Tape Marketing site.
This redesign was very overdue. It’s funny what can happen when you spend most of your waking hours producing content for about six years or so. One day you look up and find you’ve created one of those hall closets where all the stuff you need is, but nobody can find it, and cleaning it out becomes, well, one of the worst jobs in the world. So on top of a new look, which I think supports the brand, you can actually find an incredible amount of stuff again. It’s always been there, if you knew where to look. Now you can find it by starting out at the home page – www.ducttapemarketing.com
So, if it’s been awhile since you kicked around the entire site, please be my guest. Especially those of you, and you know who you are, that have suggested politely, or otherwise, that my site needed an overhaul.
This site now also holds together an article database script, WordPress blog, job database and social networking custom implementation of the KickApps tool capable of housing and streaming videos. Now that’s what I call a right proper use of duct tape.
The biggest addition to the site is the WorkBench – a business social networking community. The WorkBench, a true work in progress, allows small business owners and marketers of all kinds to build a profile, network with like-minded individuals, show off you stuff, upload, share and rate audio and videos and even create a blog on the fly. There is a small business forum that allows users to either ask a marketing question or give a marketing answer. We will be holding our very first contest shortly allowing members to compete for nifty prized like duct tape wallets and the like.
I invite you to visit the WorkBench, become a member, build a profile and even blog, add audios and videos and connect with other members by commenting and rating content that get added. As Duct Tape Marketing readers you are some of the first to be invited so please, realize that communities take time to grow, and know that I am open to hearing your suggestions on ways to improve it.
Thanks for making this possible!
Special props to Haylie McCort – dotcomcowgirl who foolishly believed me when I said it was just a little refresh!