Marketing and Quantum Physics

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The Answer john assarafMy guest on this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is John Assaraf. You may recall the John was a central figure in the wildly popular – The Secret. John’s core message of bringing the principles of quantum physics to business through his new book The Answer is an important leap that small business owners need to better understand.

Some of the current thinking around attraction and other natural laws can feel a little “new age” in business circles but I think it’s pretty hard to deny the power of applying these concepts to growing a business that is authentic and life enriching. I often tell people who feel like this too big of a step to take a little piece of this and see if they can find something in it that helps them better understand how the universe works. Growing a small business is a lot of work, why not arm yourself with every tool possible?

AT&TThis episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is brought to you by Resources for the small business owner.

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Business Books, John Assaraf, The Answer, The Secret

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