LinkedIn announced publicly that they are adding a great deal of functionality to their platform by offering a directory of applications. Applications allow user to extend the usefulness of their profiles and networks and allow third-party developers the creative freedom to leverage LinkedIns very large user base.
Facebook has used this strategy very effectively.
I believe this is not only a necessary step for LinkedIn long-term, it will make individual use much more powerful.
Some of the examples of the first round of applications include:
Work collaboratively with your network.
- Box on LinkedIn: Share files and collaborate with your network.
- Huddle on LinkedIn: Private workspaces to collaborate with your network on projects.
Share information and keep up to date with your network.
- Amazon on LinkedIn: Discover what your network is reading.
- TripIt on LinkedIn: See where your network is traveling.
- SixApart on LinkedIn: Stay up to date with your network’s latest blog posts.
Present yourself and your work in new ways.
- Google Docs on LinkedIn: Embed a presentation on your profile.
- SlideShare on LinkedIn: Share, view and comment on presentations from your network.
- WordPress on LinkedIn: Promote your blog and latest posts.
Gain key insights that will make you more effective.
- Company Buzz by LinkedIn: See what people are saying about your company.
If you are a LinkedIn user already, you will find lots more to do here. If you haven’t tried LinkedIn, now might be a good time.