The future belongs to those who lead.
We have always had tribes – churches, schools, community groups, but they’ve been organized around place. Today we have tribes organized around ideas and the technology to tie those ideas together like never before – but who leads a community like that? How do you lead a community like that?
That’s the message of Seth Godin’s incredible new book, Tribes. It’s an important book and I believe that it’s “required reading” for every entrepreneur and business professional who wants to be remarkable.
Join me live on Friday, Oct 24 at 1pm Eastern Time as Seth Godin, Dave Lakhani and I discuss this very relevant topic.
Dave Lakhani, is the bestselling author of Persuasion and his new book, Subliminal Persuasion. This should be a good time. Come learn why more profitable, powerful and productive to be a leader than ever before! Reserve your seat for the call.
Can’t make the live call? Not to worry. Go ahead and register and you’ll receive a recording link when the call is over.
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