Is Effective Marketing a System?

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systemI’ve been screaming from the rooftops for years now that marketing is a system, in fact it’s the most important system in any business. But, the word system can cause some to become very rigid in their thinking – “we do it this way because that’s the system.”

A more accurate description I suppose – and one that I plan to scream from the rooftops going forward – is that effective marketing is actually a product of a systems mentality – in other words the approach is more important than the actual system. To me this leaves the room needed to access, grow, change, align, and realign with strategy and tactics fully in tow.

I wrote a post on American Express Open Forum that I titled: 7 Reasons Why Your Marketing Plan Doesn’t Work. The post address this thinking and adds some other points that might surprise you as well.

Image credit: Teo

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