I Hate Selling, So Now How Do I Convert Leads 6

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This post is one in a series of five guest posts authored by the super star bloggers pictured below. As part of a celebration of National Small Business Week we are asking readers to match all five guests posts up with the contributing blogger to be entered for a chance to win an iPad2. Read all five posts in today’s series and come back each day this week for five new posts in this great educational series and another chance to win.

Michael Schultz

Mike Schultz, author of Rainmaking Conversations, is President of RAIN Group, a sales training, assessment, and performance improvement company, and publisher of RainToday.com. Mike can be reached at mschultz@raingroup.com or on Twitter @Mike_Schultz.

I Hate Selling, So Now How Do I Convert Leads 6

Q. I Hate Selling, So Now How Do I Convert Leads?

A. Green eggs and ham.

Green Eggs and Ham Sam i am Jesse Jackson

Many people love selling. They find themselves in careers that allow them to sell. They make a ton of money. They’re happy doing it.

They will do it in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.

Other folks – professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders – find they love things other than sales, often choosing careers for the simple fact that they won’t have to sell.

They do not like selling.

They could not would not on a boat. They could not would not with a goat.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!

Their anxiety and fear will not let them be.

Those that turn their sales fortunes around stop hating it.

I wish learning to love sales would be as easy as telling you, “Try it! Try it! And you may,” but it typically takes real work to lose the “I hate selling” baggage you carry around with you.

Conversations make the difference in sales success. Mostly, these conversations take place between you (the seller) and someone else (the buyer).

Before you start succeeding in sales conversations with others, you must succeed with the most important conversation of all: the one you have with yourself.

If you hate selling, this conversation starts with examining why you hate selling, where the hate comes from, and how you can turn it around.

Everyone must make take their own first step in this conversation, and find the path that works for them.

But the path always ends in the same place.

I do so like green eggs and ham!

Thank you!

Thank you,


Read the rest of today’s mystery posts here

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Jill Konrath, Jim Connolly, Mahan Khalsa, Michael Port, Michael Schultz, NSFriday, Small Business Week, Wendy Weiss

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