UPDATE: This offer is closed, we gave away all the books – thanks partiers
Want to help me celebrate my 50th birthday?
As you may know, I have a new book coming out in May. The title of my new book is The Referral Engine – Teaching Your Business To Market Itself and it’s officially on pre-sale today.
I wrote this book because the power of advertising and elaborate marketing campaigns is on the wane; word- of-mouth referrals are what drive business
today. People trust the recommendation of a friend, family member, colleague, or even stranger with similar tastes over anything thrust at them by a faceless company.
As a Duct Tape Marketing reader and follower I want to let you in on my special 50th birthday celebration. (I know that’s pretty lame, but I thought why not, you only turn 50 once.)
Here’s the deal.
The first 250 people that pre-order a copy of my new book will get a second copy, perhaps to refer to a friend, free. And, you’ll get that copy about two weeks before anyone else can buy it.
So, you give me a gift by purchasing a book and I give you a gift in return. Let’s call it a party!
All you have to do to join the party is:
a) Visit The Referral Engine website at http://referralenginebook.com and choose your favorite online retailer and pre-order the book. (free book can only be shipped to US addresses and does not include Kindle orders.) You can buy your book directly from one of the following retailers – Barnes & Noble, Amazon, 800-CEO-READ or Indie Bound
b) Send a copy of your receipt to – ReferralEngineBook@gmail.com
c) Once you do you will receive a URL to fill in the shipping details for your free book (Should arrive around April 30th or so)
d) Feel free to spread the word to friends, colleagues, Facebook fans and Twitter followers
The early reviews for the book are very positive (I have a free chapter on the site if you would like to review before pre-ordering) and I think this topic is timeless and very important for marketers and birthday partiers alike!
“Who knew that there’s a science to referrals? Not I–but now that I know, I want you to benefit from John’s expertise. In a sense, a cover blurb is the ultimate referral, and I’m here to blurb this book because it will help you succeed in business.”
Guy Kawasaki
co-founder Alltop
Thanks for all of your past and future support