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The trend towards virtual work and virtual workers has grown so large that a robust industry has developed around the location and placement of part-time, project oriented workers. Small business can and does benefit from the fact that organizations, such as Elance and Odesk or crowd sourced services such as crowdSPRING and 99Designs, can help them get some of what they need from every corner of the globe at very affordable prices.
Urban Interns, founded in 2009 by New Yorker Cari Sommer and Lauren Porat, has created a marketplace focused on connecting companies with talented candidates looking for internships, part-time jobs, freelance work and contract positions. The company was started in New York City to with a focus on interns and has grown to serve virtual and on site needs across the country.
Urban Interns co-founder Cari Sommer is my guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast and is clear to point out that Urban Interns is not a placement agency and differs from Elance or Craigslist markets in the way that it is organized specifically around helping companies find workers looking to fill available work capacity either virtually or on site.
For many small companies, the idea of hiring a full time employee, particularly that first one, can be a daunting task. The use of an intern or part-time employee can allow a business to build a position and grow into a full time employee. (Or choose to remain using all part-time.)
One of the most important actions you can take before hiring or engaging anyone supplying service to your firm is to understand what you need and what you want the result of work to be. If you can document the processes you would like them to complete routinely, even better.
For the long term growth of your business, consider asking your part-time help to document and help you build your processes rather than simply completing assigned tasks. This way you can begin to build an operation manual for future use and start to see how to more effectively build for the future.
Here’s how Urban Interns works:
For employers
- Register as employer (get 1 listing and 30 days access for $49.95)
- Create a company profile and post your listing
- Search the Urban Interns database
As with any marketplace the better your company profile and the more detailed and specific your job request the more likely it is you will attract more qualified candidates.
You can get the Urban Interns Guide to Hiring when you sign up for their newsletter.