How to Deliver an Experience

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For a lot of businesses, taking the order is where marketing ends. For smart marketers, it’s the starting point for the next order and the referral. If you stop your marketing thinking at the transaction, you’ll find it harder and harder to build real marketing momentum.

How you conduct the transaction is marketing, how you deliver or present the product or service is marketing, how you continue to educate and make additional offers is marketing, and how you stay in touch to measure results is marketing.

I’ve done some work with eBay and Etsy sellers and those businesses are great examples of how a company can either struggle or thrive based on how well they see purchases as customers rather than transactions.

The series of photos below represent what I believe is a great example of how to deliver an experience with your product. I’ll add my thoughts to the process of steps that make this a nice case study. This comes from Etsy seller Katie Blair Designs.

Plain padded envelope, but with special hand drawn doodles - this isn't an Amazon package - it's just what I would expect from my hand made purchase
The full contents of the package - wow, very nice looking presentation and look, a business card. Not that innovative, but strangely rare.
And what's this? A free sample of another product - now I want to buy some of those note cards
On the back of the business card Katie has hand written a special offer for my next purchase - I'm feeling pretty good about this and I haven't even opened the actual product
On to the purchase - I bought this for myself, but it's like getting a gift. Note the added branding with the sticker.
The product revealed and note the subtle band of branding on the actual product - how will I ever forget Katie Blair Designs now.
The actual product, found online, is what attracted me, but it was the overall experience that has me referring this business and wanting to buy more because I have a lot of, hmm, brilliant ideas

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eBay, Etsy, Katie Blair Designs

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