Fire Your Clients And Grow

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One of the best things most small business owners could do is fire some of their clients. I know, I know, that wouldn’t be nice would it.

Look there are lots of really good reasons to dump some clients. I’m sure you’ve got some clients that drive you crazy and make you run in circles and just don’t seem to understand why you want to be paid on time.

But guess what…if you have clients like that…it’s your fault…

See, if you’re like most small business owners you pick-up that phone and if the person on the other end of the line says they want to hire you, never mind that you don’t really know how to do what they are asking for.

That’s how you get toxic clients and that’s why you can’t ever seem to take your company to the next level.

The most important thing you can do if you want to grow your business is to figure out just exactly who makes a great customer, what you can do that could make them ever greater…and then narrow you market focus to that and only that.

Start saying no to clients and work that doesn’t fit or you will never get your head up enough to see where you are going.

Unless you narrow your focus and tell the world here is what we do and here is who we do it with then you will never been known for anything.

And let me tell you one thing with a high degree of certainty. As a small business if you can’t get known for something then you will always compete on price.

It can feel scary at first to start telling potential clients that you might not be the right fit but trust me, you and that client will be much happier you did. (Refer them to someone you don’t like – I mean, find another way to help them and it will surely come back around to you.)

Take a look at what your best clients look like and stop chasing anything that looks different. Become and expert at a serving a narrow market niche and you will start to grow “profitably” in leaps and bounds.

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