My Favorite Podcast Conversations From 2021

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Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch

john-jantschI chatted with some incredible guests in 2021. In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I’m doing a solo show on the top podcast episodes from this past year.

Key Takeaway:

As we’ve tried to return to some sense of normalcy in 2021, the implications of the pandemic have bled into this year — impacting and shaping the future of business and small business marketing as we know it. We’ve faced new and old challenges, pushed hard for innovation, and trudged forward in the face of change and the many lessons learned.

I chatted with some incredible guests on the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast over this past year. In this episode, I’m taking a look back at the most popular episodes we aired and some of my favorite conversations in 2021.

Topics I cover:

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John Jantsch (00:01): Today's episode is brought to you in part by success story, hosted by Scott D Clary and brought to you by the HubSpot podcast network. Success story is one of the most successful, useful podcasts in the world. They feature Q and A sessions with successful business leaders, keynote presentations, and conversations on sales market, business, startups and entrepreneurship. A recent episode had Terry Jones, the CEO of Travelocity and the chairman of, of Talking all about disrupting existing industries with technologies so much for us to, to think about and learn in that episode. So let's into the success story podcast, wherever you get your podcast.

John Jantsch (00:55): Hello, welcome to another episode of the duct tape marketing podcast. I thought I would do, uh, kind of a interesting show. Well, hopefully you find it interesting. I'm gonna do a solo show. I'm gonna recap some of what I thought were my, my favorite conversations in podcasts and kind of high spot them with some key takeaways for the course of 2021, so that you can get in there and get ready for some news shows in 2022, that we are going to, in fact, we're fast working on as we speak. So, you know, I do, uh, two shows a a week. So that's about a hundred interviews. Obviously I sprinkle in a few of my solo shows. So picking the top 10 can be a D difficult, uh, chore. I would say there were two factors that I put into deciding the top ten one is just downloads.

John Jantsch (01:50): I mean, people listened to were more interested in shared certain episodes. So that's a good, good indicator that that was, uh, a decent show, but also I, you know, I get to vote and so I'm gonna talk about some of the conversa and people that, that I really enjoyed, uh, speaking with. So maybe I'll do the 10, like count down right. 10 to, to one and keep you in suspense. All right. So number one was a DBB. He's the author of the one page marketing plan. Get new customers, make more money and stand out from a crowd. This is a crazy, pretty simple concept that has sold hundreds and hundreds of thousands of copies for 10 years. It's just, you know, keeps plugging. Alan keeps plugging away at this simple topic. And, you know, I had to write seven books in that, in that time that Alan wrote one, I'd say the biggest takeaway from this is it's like what not to do as much as what to do.

John Jantsch (02:48): So to build a successful business, you need to stop doing random acts of marketing and start following a plan for business growth. That sounds a little like strategy before tactics, right? The problem with marketing plan still today's, you know, people have 30 page documents that are very time consuming and difficult to create. And very frankly, it never gets done or certainly never gets used or rarely gets used. Uh, the one minute or one minute, the one page, uh, marketing plan is really all about simplifying your marketing implementation in ways that that allow you to create a plan that you follow, that you use simple and fast. All right, that's number 10. We'll have links to these individual shows in the show notes. So if you wanna listen, go back and listen to any of these. You'll be able to find them all in one place.

John Jantsch (03:39): All right, spoke with trip linear. We talked about living or reaching your potential by living dangerously. His book was called. This book will make you dangerous. So kind of an interesting title, right? I think it, I think the thing that probably, again, the takeaway trip spends thousands of hours a year coaching, primarily men all around the world on how not to sleep through life, how to see opportunities instead of walls. We spent most of our time talking about mindset and, and really how to challenge your fears, align your life with meaning and find clarity and direction in your life. Not a bad thing to go back and listen to if you're just starting the year out. All right. Number eight, Sophia, Godkin the simple truth about happiness. So Sophia is a health psychologist. Happy. I remember that being as part of her, her title, and she's written a book called the five minute gratitude journal, give thanks, practice positivity and fine joy.

John Jantsch (04:48): You know, this idea of gratitude is one that just won't go away. people keep talking about it. People keep writing books about it. And maybe that there's something to it. One of the things that I, I, I probably, if you go back and list the episode, I probably sounded surprised at how well this book was selling. I mean, it was essentially a very, very simple book, five minutes of gratitude journaling. And it was so, so had at the time we did the interview, she sold hundreds of thousands of this. So she's really tapped into, I think, not only the topic, but maybe the way people wanted to consume the topic itself. You know, so many people are going through a lot of stress, not really living in a, what they would call a harmonious harmonious state today. And I think that to this book tries to give you the tools, resources, and mental mindset.

John Jantsch (05:38): There's that word again, to decide to be happy. I know that sounds of simplistic, but there's something to it because hundreds of thousands of people have gravitated towards it. All right. Number seven, Jackie Lieberman, making brands more human she's. Uh, Jackie is worked in the largest of companies, the smallest of companies currently the founder of her own small company called brand crude. I think this idea of being more human is something that, that really attracted me. I think, I think it's everybody. I think we're all in a place right now where we're craving that brands that have a conscious, a point of view, a soul, a personality. And that's really what we talked about. The, the, the work that she does with her clients and the ways in which she's helped, many brands become more human. So you can check that show out. Number six, Jeffrey Shaw, making your self-employed business sustainably successful, no surprise.

John Jantsch (06:35): Jeffrey wrote a book called the self life business and personal development strategies that create sustainable success. You're probably seeing the theme here. personal development, happiness mindset, or a lot of my favorite shows. I mean, being, self-employed owning your own business. I, it's not like having a job. I mean, it's a choice. Think for, hopefully it's a choice for you. But I think that one of the things that people that do this for any amount of time realize is that you have to grow personally while building your business. You have to develop yourself, you have to raise the bar. If you're gonna achieve any level of success that's fulfilling. And I think that, that, it's not just, again, it's not just business books, business strategies. I mean, personal development is always going to be something that that's important. This holistic approach. I wrote a book as, as many of, you know, called the self relied entrepreneur.

John Jantsch (07:29): And that was really in a lot of ways, my attempt to kind of Chronicle some of the things at least that I've observed and learned along the way. And now a word from our sponsor it's official 2022 electric cars are mainstream. I have more computing power in my pocket than it took to get a Apollo to the moon. And I just ordered a chocolate milkshake to my doorstep. In the time I've been reading this message with unprecedented access and speeds to products, it's easy to see why businesses struggle to connect with the complex customers of, to day with new technology, dedicated to helping your marketing team scale and simplify HubSpots on a mission to help businesses intelligently connect with customers everywhere, intuitive visual workflows and bot builders help you create scalable automated campaigns across email, social media, web, and chat. So your customer hear your messages loud and clear an automated mobile optimization adapts your content from multiple device types.

John Jantsch (08:27): So you can reach your customers wherever they are. Oh, look, my milkshake just arrived. Unravel complexity scale smartly, and learn more about how you can transform your customer's experience. A HubSpot CRM All right. Number five, Ryan Eng, England, how to attract the right talent. Boy, a lot of small business owners, certainly in the, in certain industries will tell me the greatest challenge of 2021 for them was hiring people, finding people to do, uh, the jobs they needed them to do. A lot of took different paths. A lot of people decided they didn't wanna work in certain industries anymore. A lot of people just decided they wanted to reevaluate what it is they did for a career. Ryan runs a company called core fit hiring, and we talked, we really all the ways that you have to think about hiring, you know, as a marketing, as a, as a kind of a full time marketing thing, not just like, oh, I have position.

John Jantsch (09:23): I need to go out and find somebody for that position. That's really where you get yourself in trouble. Cuz a lot of times, by that point, you're desperate . And so, uh, what Ryan professes is, is really something that, that goes on nonstop that you're always looking for the right talent. All right. Number four, my friend Mike Alz, Mike's been, uh, on at least five times. I bet he had a new book out called get different marketing that can't be ignored. So Mike kind of goes through his, I think the acronym was dad, his, his approach to of thinking about not just being better, wouldn't it be nice if that's all it took but, but that, that, you know, better sometimes saying for granted better sometimes is just assumed. Whereas different is a way that, you know, you really go against an industry, you go against a trend, you get people's attention.

John Jantsch (10:15): You still gotta be good. I'm not, I'm not pooing that, uh, by any mean, but I, I think that his, his method for positioning your business or, or brand to get noticed in attractive best prospects and convert opportunities into sales is worth a listen. Right? Number three. Now, as some of, you know, long time listeners know, I occasionally only do solo shows and I only put myself in this list because , my solo shows typically are in the top downloads for the year. So I guess it qualified in, in that, uh, standpoint. So I get to pick, you're already a listener. So I'm, you know, I'm not throwing this out there. So you listen to my show because you're already listening to my show, but I did an episode on creating content for every stage of the customer journey. And I think that it touched a nerve, you know, content is looked at by so many people as a one off project or, or, you know, solely to get people to know who you are or, or to generate leads.

John Jantsch (11:16): But really it really needs to be the voice of strategy. It's such an important piece of marketing these days that you've gotta incorporate every phase of the customer journey. And here's the thing. As people move through the customer journey, meaning they come to learn about you and they start investigating and maybe they're considering hiring you. I mean their, their questions and objectives change at each stage of those each stage of the journey. And, and you know, I talk a lot about the, the marketing hourglass so that no, like trust, try by repeat and refer stages. You've gotta be thinking about content that helps guide people. You can't force people, but guide people, uh, through those stages. And so I've been, you know, I talk about the customer journey, talk about it frequently, but in this particular, uh, episode, I really wanted to tie content to it because frankly, if you view content this way, as the voice of strategy, as something you create for every stage of customer journey, you can produce less content there at it.

John Jantsch (12:12): You don't have to produce as much content if you are strategically targeting your content for something, for an action. To answer a question, to answer an objective, to move somebody through the customer journey. All right, number two, Claire, come on, how to optimize your work performance. So that's Claire's business. She helps busy professionals optimize their performance, frankly. It's part therapy. She works with professionals, really helping them kind of do this whole work life integration thing again, another, I didn't realize this until I really started digging in another episode about mindset in the way that you build habits, that last boost your pro productivity and optimize your work performance.

John Jantsch (13:09): All right. And last but not least number one, this is probably, I hate, you know, I do a hundred some episodes, so I hate to pick a favorite, but this is probably my favorite book that I read this year. I read a lot of books, but Oliver Burman's 4,000 weeks time management for mortals is one that I just, anybody who asks me, um, know any good books this is the first one that I, I, I throw at them. You know, the, the, the 4,000 weeks is based on the average lifespan of a human being and it's brief. So I still use somebody my age I've lived 3000 weeks. So it really, in some ways, when I first started this book is like, wow, that's a cold splash in the face. Right. But I think the problem is, or what, what, what I think the author, what Oliver is trying to get at here is that we're so obsessed with length, our to-do lists and our inboxes and our work life balance and creating hacks and, and finding, I mean, what he essentially says is stop.

John Jantsch (14:08): You can't win that game. , you know, stop trying. In fact, that's really the, the thing that causes, uh, the most stress us. In fact, the things that we're trying to do, like to be more productive, to be more efficient, to manage our inboxes, that's the stuff that's actually making things worse. So in the book, he talks a lot about that, again, mindset and, and really many of the unhelpful ways that we've come to think about time. But then he also shares a lot of, of information about how to think about doing things differently and so that we can show up better in, in the present moment. I mean, that's kind of the idea behind the 4,000 weeks is, you know, let's use 'em more wisely. All right. So that's my top 10 shows for the year. Hopefully you enjoyed my little run through, you can find them all in the show notes, uh, a link, if you wanna listen to them individually, but look for more new episodes coming to a podcast, listening device, headset, whatever it is you do.

John Jantsch (15:11): car to you. All right. Love those reviews. Check it out at iTunes. Leave us a review. If you like this show, let me know what else you'd like to hear. Who'd you'd like to hear me interview. I love those requests. All right. It's just John at duct tape, If you wanna send me a note, take care.

John Jantsch (15:30): All right. That wraps up a, another episode of the duct tape marketing podcast. I wanna thank you so much for tuning in. Feel free to share this show. Feel free to give us reviews. You know, we love those things. Also, did you know that we had created training, marketing training for your team? If you've got employees, if you've got a staff member that wants to learn a marketing system, how to install of that marketing system in your business, check it out. It's called the certified marketing manager program from duct tape marketing. You can find it at and just scroll down a little and find that tab that says training for your team

This episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is brought to you by the HubSpot Podcast Network and Sendinblue.

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