Today on Duct Tape Radio I interviewed Ben McConnell, co-author
of the fabulous book Creating Customer Evangelists, and, while
reading the book in preparation for my interview, I had my first
aha moment when I came across a quote from Guy Kawasaki.
“Sales is rooted in what’s good for me. Evangelism is rooted in
what’s good for you.â€
For years I’ve been teaching that the only radio station that our
prospects tune into is WIFM (What in it for me) but what if I
began to build evangelism into my way of thinking. What if
my entire goal was to create a cause for which clients were
willing to drag people to. What if I really could begin to get
clients to think, “what’s good for John?â€
Okay, now my head hurts. More on this later I think.
Listen in to my interview with Ben