Update: We received over 200 entries and lots of votes. I want to thank everyone that played. If you haven’t yet, read through some of the great examples and helpful comments from readers. And now, our winner . . .
What do you do for a living?
Talking Logo: I’m Jennifer Nagel, and I help break people out of jail.
“What? How do you do that?”
By showing people how to break out of the gray fabric cubicle that imprisons them from 9 to 5 each weekday! I’m a career transition specialist who will help you find and follow your dream work, and profit from your passions. You CAN have a vocation filled with inspiration! Check out Vocation Inspiration

Dell offered me a couple new Vostro V130 laptops like the ones in the picture above to give away because they wanted to get my first impression of this new tool. I have to say, the red aluminum case does make a great first impression – something that every small business needs to do in the process of building trust with prospective clients.
So, that got me thinking. I’ve been teaching a core message process I call The Talking Logosm for years. The idea behind this process is to develop a very succinct and intriguing way to make a great first impression when you meet a prospect at, say, a networking event.
First things first –
I’m giving away both Vostro Laptops to the business owner that communicates the best Talking Logo by answering the question – What do you do for a living?
The winner of this contest gets one computer for their business and one computer to give to a not for profit organization they would like to support.
Here’s how to win both laptops – one for you and one for a nonprofit partner:
- Create and share in the blog comments your Talking Logo in the manner described below (See Add a Comment near top of post) – you must log in to the comment tool using one of the options listed so we can contact you if you win.
- Make sure you tell us a little about your company and website so we can judge the impact of your Talking Logo
- Tweet your comment, (Use Share on Twitter option beneath your comment) add #tradesecrets and encourage others to come vote on your Talking Logo by using the Like button in your comment.
- All comments must be submitted by March 3rd
- Winner will be announced March 4th after a round of judging by members of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network
- Note: Only open to U.S. businesses and residents
The Talking Logo Explained.
Like a traditional printed logo, a talking logo is a tool that allows you to communicate verbally the single greatest benefit of doing business with your firm. A talking logo is a short statement that quickly communicates your firm’s position and ideally forces the listener to want to know more.
The talking logo is generally played in response to the comment, “So, tell me about your firm.” Everyone has attended a networking event or Chamber of Commerce breakfast where you are given a minute to describe your firm – this a great place to whip out the Talking Logo.
When asked, the typical response for many is to list their title or industry . . . “I’m in the insurance business, I’m an architect, I’m a painting contractor or I’m a computer repair specialist.” The only thing this type of response will get you is, “That’s nice” A creative talking logo excites and tells more about what’s in it for the listener than labeling what you do.
Consider these two examples: “So, Bill, what do you do for a living?” I’m a registered architect” or [Talking Logo] “I show contractors how to get paid faster.” Now, which do you think is more compelling? If you’re a contractor you definitely want to know more about that second answer, don’t you?
Your talking logo is created in two distinct parts. Part 1 addresses your target market, and Part 2 zeroes in on a problem, frustration or want that market has.
You know you have a great talking logo when a person hears you deliver it and immediately says, “Really, how do you do that?”
Here’s the pattern for getting started creating your Talking Logo: Action verb, (I show, I teach, I help) target market, (business owners, homeowners, teachers, divorced women, Fortune 500 companies) how to xxxx = solve a problem, get a result or meet a need.
A powerful Talking Logo alone can get you appointments, especially when most business who are looking for new business simply ask to meet so they can sell something. Who would you see, someone who wants to sell you his work or someone who wants to show you how to make more money?
In order to make your Talking Logo truly powerful you’ll need to have a complimentary statement that tells them just how you deliver on your promise when the listener inevitably asks to know more.
So our architect above we explain – “We have developed relationships with every zoning board in the metro area and by applying our zoning adjustment process we can make sure that projects don’t get hung up by red tape, and that our clients get to that first pay request faster.”
By starting from this very simple point you can expand and grow a core message that can be used in every possible setting and every form of communication.
Now, go enter your Talking Logo in the comments and good luck.