I’ve made a bit of a career out of talking with, listening to and understanding entrepreneurs and small business owners. I’ve worked with thousands of you over the past twenty plus years or so and at some point most of the discussion I’ve had center on the idea of strategy.
It’s something I’m absolutely fascinated with and it’s something I’ve been on a quest over last 18 months to understand more fully.
I firmly believe that strategy, success and happiness are strangely intertwined when it comes to growing a business and I’ve deposited many of my thoughts on this subject in my new release – The Commitment Engine: Making Work Worth It shipping this month.
In order for clarity to become strategy you must remove all doubt about what your organization believes and you must be crystal clear about what that looks, sounds and feels like in the simplest way possible. Once you do that everything else just follows form – it’s clarity amplified.
Below is a very short presentation of one of the key ideas contained in the book that I gave at this summer’s TEDxKC event. The title of the talk is Rethinking Commitment and in it I introduce Tony and Mary Miller – I also share their story in my upcoming release, because the Jancoa story is a brilliant illustration of the power of clarity as a business strategy
I hope you draw inspiration from the Miller’s as I have and check out additional stories on What Makes Worth It at www.makingworkworthit.com (Download a free chapter and grab 6 audio interviews I captured from some amazing thought leader and authors such as Seth Godin, Guy Kawasaki, Derek Sivers, Nancy Duarte, Chris Guillebeau and Steven Pressfield.)
Okay, and now for some final pandering to my readers – you truly make work worth it for me and I feel blessed that I get to do what I do particularly when something I’ve shared or experienced offers a fellow entrepreneur and business owner some measure of comfort, control and insight.