The title to this post came from a discussion with one of my readers about the need to routinely teach everyone in the organization about what your ideal customer really buys from you.
The suggestion from my reader was that this was the kind of advice that was a lot like practice fundamentals for say, a basketball player. Larry Bird, one of the all time greats, was legendary for shooting hundreds of free throws every day. He was the league MVP four times and led the NBA in free throw percentage each of those four years he was honored.
So, what I’m wondering is this – What fundamental marketing “drills” should you, and every one in the organization be doing every single day to become marketing MVPs? (or at least get off the bench)
Here’s my list for starters:
- Review a description and perhaps even photos of ideal customers
- Review a list of trigger phrases customers say out loud or to themselves when expressing a need for what you sell
- Review and practice answering this question in a marketing way – What do you do for living?
- Review and practice telling someone the most impactful way to describe the value your organization brings in 30 seconds or less
- Answer at least one phone or written customer/prospect inquiry, no matter your job title
- Call one customer and ask them to share something they need, want, like or dislike about doing business with your organization
- Review a list of stated organization or personal marketing goals and the indicators used to track them.
So, what about you, what do you organization’s layup and free throws look like and have you done them before bed today?