As we widely reported here and around the web, the new Facebook Page update also came with the announcement that Facebook would no longer support the Static FBML app that so many folks are using to create and display custom tabs and content. In fact, Facebook claims that March 10th is the last day you can install the FBML app. (According to Facebook this will not impact content created using the app prior to March 10)
Since this announcement app makers have been scrambling to come up with solutions for the new iframe driven custom tabs that Facebook is now moving to. There are some promising looking entries including those from Wildfire and GroSocial.
My favorite solution to date, however is a very simple app called Static HTML: iframe tabs developed by Jason Padvorac.
Here’s what I like about it. While many other tools will get the job done, they come with either a price tag or a heavy templated feel. Static HTML jumps in right where Static FBML left off in that it allows you to install an app in seconds (taking care of all the iframe part) and then you can add your own HTML as you please.

This app won’t be for people that have no ability to code a little HTML, but what the heck, pay a designer to create your own custom pages and give your code. I think you’ll be still be miles ahead in terms of customization. A lot of WordPress bloggers have also figured out that they can create basic HTML using the posting screen.
You can return to the app and install additional copies to create additional tabs.