Did you know National Small Business Week in the US is next week?
Well it is and to celebrate I would like to invite you to join me for a free online workshop aimed at helping you grow your business. (And, it doesn’t matter if your business is in the US or not!)
Free online seminar:
How to Create a Marketing System that Produces Consistent and Predictable Results or what I also call The 7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success.
The event is being held online Wednesday, May 18th at Noon CT (My Duct Tape time clock shows you my time around the world) Register here
I am going to give away 5 copies of my book Duct Tape Marketing to 5 lucky attendees and everyone that signs up will also receive a bonus gift valued at $250.
Can’t make that time work? Sign up and we’ll get you the recording and your free gift anyway.
Don’t miss this great educational opportunity, sign up today.